The 1st Workshop of DT4GS project took place in Piraeus, Greece on the 6th October 2022, with the participation of more than 40 people (physically and online). The project Coordinator, Georgia Tsiochantari (INLECOM) and Mr. Takis Katsoulakos (INLECOM), opened the day by welcoming the participants and gave an overview of the project including the concept and aims and […]
DT4GS (Green Shipping) Dataspace v2: Modeling, Analysis,Simulation, and Optimisation
For an optimization problem, it can be written down in mathematical model. From the model, we may check whether it is a hard problem or not. Certain conventional mathematical model may consume lots of computation times if the problem size is “big” causes a very big burden for the current computation facilities, or even not […]
Application of Digital Twins in the design and production of green autonomous vessels
This task 1.4 aims to provide a comprehensive methodology covering the application of Digital Twins in the design and production of new green autonomous vessels. To achieve this, this task with leverage existing work at Delft University of Technology on green shipping concepts, ship layout, power, propulsion, and auxiliary systems modeling. This task will also […]
Short introduction of partner, why do they participate and why is DT4GS important for IWT.
IWT represents the interest of barge owners/operators transporting goods and people on European Waterways. Like other transportmodes the sector will have to go for ZerO- Emission by 2050. Equally important is increasing the business bt 25% in 2030 as a contribution to Modal Shift. On top of that the industry is facing the challenge of […]
Short introduction of partner, why do they participate and why is DT4GS important for FINC.
FINCANTIERI NEXTECH is a company of all-Italian excellence that offers cutting-edge products and services in various fields: electronics, advanced systems, Integrated Logistics Support, IT, and cybersecurity, along with the opportunity to apply its known skills in engineering and experimentation, research and development to transversal activities. The innovative solutions developed by FINCANTIERI NEXTECH in naval, land, […]