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DT4GS (Green Shipping) Dataspace v2: Modeling, Analysis,Simulation, and Optimisation

For an optimization problem, it can be written down in mathematical model. From the model, we may check whether it is a hard problem or not. Certain conventional mathematical model may consume lots of computation times if the problem size is “big” causes a very big burden for the current computation facilities, or even not […]

DT4GS “sets sail” for “very smart” ships – What possibilities it offers?

This EU funding enables to roll out an innovative Digital Twin technology research and development programme with contribution of each partner to help ensure the shipping industry can supercharge its journey to zero emissions.  In DT4GS project Greek shipowners play a leading role in the development of “smart” technologies that will give impetus to the green […]

INLECOM coordinates new Horizon Europe project DT4GS

A new Research and Innovation action will contribute towards achieving 55% CO2 emissions’ reduction from waterborne transport by 2030, in line with the ultimate target of zero emissions by 2050. Digital Twin 4Green Shipping (DT4GS) is a 36-months project, starting on the 1st of June 2022, aims at delivering an “Open Digital Twin Framework” for both […]