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LL2 DANAOS Containership-centric DT

DANAOS in the context of T4.3 specified vessel technical details, provided shop trial reports and outlined the data acquisition system architecture of a containership-centric LL. They also provided a snapshot of the actual data (features, granularity, format) acquired  from the vessel that will be utilized as a testbed in the context of the proposal in order to employ a […]

DT4GS (Green Shipping) Dataspace v2: Modeling, Analysis,Simulation, and Optimisation

For an optimization problem, it can be written down in mathematical model. From the model, we may check whether it is a hard problem or not. Certain conventional mathematical model may consume lots of computation times if the problem size is “big” causes a very big burden for the current computation facilities, or even not […]

DT4GS Workshop at Danaos offices on 06 October 2022 (registration opened)

The DT4GS Consortium invites you to attend the first workshop on 06 October 2022 at Danaos Offices. The objective of the workshop is to present to the audience an overview on the application of the Digital Twin technology in the project demonstrators, represented by four participating shipping companies. Please note that the event will be […]

DT4GS “sets sail” for “very smart” ships – What possibilities it offers?

This EU funding enables to roll out an innovative Digital Twin technology research and development programme with contribution of each partner to help ensure the shipping industry can supercharge its journey to zero emissions.  In DT4GS project Greek shipowners play a leading role in the development of “smart” technologies that will give impetus to the green […]