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Successful Workshop on Zero-Emission Waterborne Transport – 17th June 2024!

On June 17th 2024, WEGEMT hosted the workshop “Empowering Change: Industry-Higher Education Collaboration for Novel Technologies in Zero-Emission Waterborne Transport.” 

A well attended workshop, where we delved into electrification and digital twins for green shipping, as explored by the FLEXSHIP and DT4GS – The Digital Twin for Green Shipping projects under Horizon Europe’s ZEWT cpp framework.​

In the highly attended workshop, we engaged participants with four GROUPS of questions centered around electrification and digital twins for sustainableshipping. The GROUPS were mainly focused on:

  • Vessel electrification and Digital Twins for zero-emission shipping ​

  • Training for pertinent applications in the wider waterborne
    sector (transferability)​

  • Long-term skills strategy and higher education training course for seagoing crew and
    shore-based maritime professionals 

Key Note Speakers

    • Chiara Notaro,
      Board member (Vice Chair) of the Waterborne Technology Platform / CETENA

    • Konstantinos
      , Board member of the ‘Zero Emission Waterborne
      Transport co-programmed Partnership’ / American Bureau of Shipping   ​

    • Monia el Faziki,
      Director of EU Social and Public Affairs and coordinator of the
      Shipbuilding and Maritime Technologies Pact for Skills / SEA
    • Lucia Fraga,
      Head of Training and coordinator of the ORE Pact for Skills / CETMAR        ​


Prof. Vicente Díaz Casas (University of A Coruña), Prof. Hossein Ghaemi (Gdansk University of Technology), Prof. Austin Kana (TU DELFT), Prof. Mehdi Zadeh (NTNU), Monia el Faziki (SEA Europe), Chiara Notaro (CETENA), Amaya Soto (CETMAR)​

Special thanks to: Mehdi Zadeh, Christopher Lange, Toon Nachtergaele, Álvaro Reina Illanes

DT4GS has received funding from the Horizon Europe framework programme under Grant Agreement No 101056799.

FLEXSHIP received funding from EU Horizon Europe research and innovation program under Grant Agreement no. 101095863.