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DT4GS (Green Shipping) Dataspace

The DT4GS Dataspace represents the core of the Digital Twin infrastructure, which functions as a component that can unite all the functional building blocks that enable the application to simulate ship behaviour, perform real-time operational optimization, execute retrofitting or new-build assessments. In the works by the consortium, particular emphasis is placed on the idea of making available to ship-owners an open source, fully configurable tool that implements state-of-the-art techniques for inter-systems communication and knowledge extraction from data using machine learning techniques. The adoption of the Industrial Dataspace Standards (IDS) enables the DT4GS project to represent a further step toward defining and consolidating the Maritime Dataspace as an entity that can allow for secure sharing among different shipping stakeholders, ensuring data sovereignty while promoting common innovation efforts. This approach will grant benefits like transparency in access to ship data without affecting the level of access governance by data owners, increased automation, security, robustness and efficiency in ship-to-shore communication; digitization and simplification of trusted service delivery for operational ships, interoperability and data sovereignty for all parties involved.

The first implementation of the DT4GS Dataspace are in the works and will be employed in the first test performed during the Living Labs on board of some of the ships made available by the ship-owner partners partecipating to the project.

DT4GS has received funding from the Horizon Europe framework programme under Grant Agreement No 101056799.