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Discussion on DT4GS Alliance- 20th October 2022

On 20th of October partners met and discussed the main objectives of DT4GS Alliance, the offers that the project can provide to the potential interested stakeholders to be part, a set of possible questions to build a prospective questionnaire looking for feedback and a tentative map of stakeholders and associations that could facilitate the process […]

LL2 DANAOS Containership-centric DT

DANAOS in the context of T4.3 specified vessel technical details, provided shop trial reports and outlined the data acquisition system architecture of a containership-centric LL. They also provided a snapshot of the actual data (features, granularity, format) acquired  from the vessel that will be utilized as a testbed in the context of the proposal in order to employ a […]


The 1st Workshop of DT4GS project took place in Piraeus, Greece on the 6th October 2022, with the participation of more than 40 people (physically and online). The project Coordinator, Georgia Tsiochantari (INLECOM) and Mr. Takis Katsoulakos (INLECOM), opened the day by welcoming the participants and gave an overview of the project including the concept and aims and […]