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The 1st Workshop of DT4GS project took place in Piraeus, Greece on the 6th October 2022, with the participation of more than 40 people (physically and online). The project Coordinator, Georgia Tsiochantari (INLECOM) and Mr. Takis Katsoulakos (INLECOM), opened the day by welcoming the participants and gave an overview of the project including the concept and aims and […]

Short introduction of partner, why do they participate and why is DT4GS important for FINC.

FINCANTIERI NEXTECH is a company of all-Italian excellence that offers cutting-edge products and services in various fields: electronics, advanced systems, Integrated Logistics Support, IT, and cybersecurity, along with the opportunity to apply its known skills in engineering and experimentation, research and development to transversal activities. The innovative solutions developed by FINCANTIERI NEXTECH in naval, land, […]

Dissemination & Communication of DT4GS

The main objective of the task 5.1 is to carry out a communication and dissemination program and link with relevant EU projects  and initiatives to realize new interactions. Multi-channel communication to general public and key stakeholders. Establish the Dissemination & Communication material and website: -Draft the Dissemination & Communication Plan (initial + final) -Promote the project […]

DT4GS Cluster

Establish a Stakeholder Charter for DT4GS stakeholders and building up a community of contributors and users collaborating to sustain an open DT infrastructure for Green Smart Ship. In this task 5.2 the aim is to show the main objectives of DT4GS cluster, the offers that the project can provide to the potential interested stakeholders to […]