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Ship and company specific DT configuration and Deployment support services

DANAOS presented a consolidated progress time plan [M3-M35] involving Task3.2 and Task3.3. More specifically DANAOS shared their view on the desired outcome of the services implemented in the context of these tasks as well as the must-have capabilities and dependencies from other WPs. For Task3.2, DANAOS specified requirements from the other three LLs (use cases […]

DT4GS Model Blueprints and Open Model Library

DANAOS prepared the TOC for Task 2.4 and circulated for review by the DT4GS consortium. The core structure of TOC needs to be further discussed and clarified, as the initial comments/remarks were identifying some kind of inconsistency/overlap in the definition of particular chapters of T2.4. In terms of actual implementation and framework specification for T2.4, […]

Discussion on DT4GS Alliance- 20th October 2022

On 20th of October partners met and discussed the main objectives of DT4GS Alliance, the offers that the project can provide to the potential interested stakeholders to be part, a set of possible questions to build a prospective questionnaire looking for feedback and a tentative map of stakeholders and associations that could facilitate the process […]

LL2 DANAOS Containership-centric DT

DANAOS in the context of T4.3 specified vessel technical details, provided shop trial reports and outlined the data acquisition system architecture of a containership-centric LL. They also provided a snapshot of the actual data (features, granularity, format) acquired  from the vessel that will be utilized as a testbed in the context of the proposal in order to employ a […]

Short introduction of partner, why do they participate in DT4GS and why is DT4GS important for DANAOS.

DANAOS shipping is one of the largest independent owners of modern, large-size containerships with distinct edge in advanced shipping technology and long track record of safety, efficiency, and environmental responsibility. DANAOS has implemented a robust Environmental Management System integrating environmental issues with company operations and actively participates in research, testing and developing new technologies which […]