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The utilisation of model libraries in maritime sector presented by DANAOS!

The maritime industry is a vast and complex ecosystem that plays a vital role in global trade, transportation, and resource exploration. As technology continues to advance, the maritime sector has embraced various innovative solutions to enhance efficiency, safety, and sustainability. One such development is the utilisation of model libraries, which have emerged as valuable tools […]

A progress report on LL2 DANAOS Containership-centric DT!

DANAOS specified vessel technical details (i.e., Main Engine(M/E) Auxiliary Engine(A/E) type, Propeller type, etc.), provided shop trial reports and outlined the data acquisition system architecture of a containership-centric LL. They also provided a snapshot of the actual data (features, granularity, format) acquired from the vessel that will be utilized as a testbed in the context […]

DT4GS Celebrates LinkedIn followers achievement!

We are very excited to share with you the DT4GS achievement of 600 Followers.Dive into the exciting world of DT4GS! Get inspired, stay informed!Get a glimpse of the DT4GS project by watching the project’s videos on YouTube.Thanks to our combined strengths, we can support the #waterborne#industry towards #decarbonization. DT4GS has received funding from the Horizon Europe framework programme under Grant Agreement […]

GLM partner’s contribution to GS Operational Optimisation of Digital Twin.

GLM has contributed to defining the specifications for a worldwide use case aimed at streamlining the implementation of a prototype Digital Twin (DT) framework for optimizing fleet performance. This involved a thorough analysis of the generic use case, breaking it down into sub-categories based on the unique characteristics outlined in LL4 for Phase 1. Additionally, […]

DANAOS partner progresses on the DT4GS Model Blueprints and Open Model Library!

DANAOS presented a holistic approach involving a variety of multidisciplinary frameworks that will facilitate the employment of a core module of the broader DT4GS framework, namely the OML (Open Model Library). More specifically DAN experimented with a set of steaming tools that aim to largely simplify and automate the way the various models and their […]