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The Consortium

The DT4GS Consortium represents a multidisciplinary group composed of 21 participants from 10 countries within the European Union.

The consortium coordinator INLECOM Group, Belgium, was established in 1996 with the seminal charter of promoting innovative Information and Communication Solutions in shipping. The Group has since expanded upon these foundational competencies. Today, INLECOM are an established leader in Digital Ecosystem Platforms & Technologies in domains such as ICT, Security and Sustainability, IoT, Cognitive Computing, Social Software, Cloud, Analytics, Big Data, Mobile Computing and Transport & Logistics, Smart Cities, and Energy. With an international team of experts in the areas of Mobility, Business Consulting, Commercialisation, EU PO and USPTO Patent Filings with hundreds of successfully granted/issues patents, Solutions and Business Analytics, the team provides strategic knowledge-centric solutions and consultancy.

Each individual partner not only will represent a force for change towards a sustainable world, but also inspiration to create knowledge synergies that serve the different innovation dimensions tackled by the project.

Waterborne Transport prominent industry leaders and associations


Euronav with a fleet of 74 vessels is the world’s largest independent crude tanker operator with a vision to lead responsibly the global crude oil tanker industry. With concrete examples showcasing a path towards shipping decarbonization: GHG emissions tracking, co-founder and ambassador of Poseidon Principles, member of ‘Getting to Zero’ Coalition and Sea Cargo Charter and having scored B grade in the Carbon Disclosure Project submission R&I, testing carbon capture and storage solutions (MemCCsea project); collaboration with shipyards and oil majors to support design of zero emission fuels; (JDP initiative); Plug and Play Maritime innovation platform.


EURONAV will both contribute and use DT4GS in Voyage optimization; Energy efficiency planning for vessels; Fleet rejuvenation strategy and Ship design and construction and R&D decarbonization accelerator. Will lead LL1 leveraging an in-house DTs for vessel energy-efficiency. Lead T1.1 DT4GS Value-oriented Analysis in enabling Shipping Decarbonization and participate in research for developing innovative DT components in tasks T1.2,1.3, T2.1,2.4, T3.2,3.3, T4.1, 4.2 and will promote uptake and impact in T5.1,5.4.


DANAOS shipping is one of the largest independent owners of modern, large-size containerships with distinct edge in advanced shipping technology and long track record of safety, efficiency, and environmental responsibility. DANAOS has implemented a robust Environmental Management System integrating environmental issues with company operations and actively participates in research, testing and developing new technologies which are important assets for DT4GS.


DANAOS shipping is a key partner active in all WPs and will lead LL2 spearheading the early implementation of the GS Operational Optimization DT leveraging existing digital management systems. DANAOS will lead LL2 and also technical developments and the commercialization of the GS Operational Optimization DT through DANAOS Management, WP3 Leader and task leader T2.4, 3.2, 3.3.


Spanish shipping company specialized in passenger and rolling cargo transport among the Balearic Islands with a fleet of 32 ships. Baleària has evaluated which LNG technology would give the best outcomes to comply with technical and environmental regulations and retrofitted five vessels. Smart solutions for the retrofitted vessels in order to increase safety, operational efficiency and energy efficiency, Expertise in LNG bunkering, Models and emission measurements JIT arrivals which will be extended to a DT solution with SEAPort Solutions.


Will lead the evidence-based performance of LNG solutions and planning Bio-LNG H2, NH3, methanol and synthetic fuels as pathways for the decarbonization Extend Sensors and equipment to monitor in real time the operation, energy consumption and emissions generated by 5 vessels – Green C Ports CEF project to full DT. Lead LL3 and participate Modeling Framework (WP1) Open DT4GS Infrastructure (WP2) and will promote uptake and impact in WP5.


Star Bulk fleet comprises of 126 modern vessels built in world-class shipyards and with an average age of approximately 10 years.  Star Bulk is one of the top performing shipping companies in the Rightship risk rating globally. Star Bulk is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact supports the Global Maritime Forum as a partner, it is a member of the Getting to Zero Coalition alliance and participates in various EU and National scientific projects.


Star Bulk lead LL4 and the overall DT4GS developments for bulk carriers leveraging its data acquisition hardware that feeds in house developed VPM software. Strong interest to explore hull DTs and cargo optimization supported by e-robotics and will also deliver industry perspective in DT4GS Modeling Framework (WP1) and DT4GS Data Space, (T2.2).


Represented by the Fundación Valencia Port brings expertise in all aspects of greening ports and specifically green fuels and Hydrogen solutions leading projects such as H2PORTS. FV also brings expertise in port centric digitalization for transport chains and has developed experimental DTs for terminal operators.


VF leads the integration of shipping DTs with port DTS and Applications for planning port supply of green fuels. Further FV will oversee development for JIN arrival DTs which will support in LL3. FV will lead LLs WP4 the development off the DT4GS Cluster (T5.2).


RINA consists of the parent company RINA S.p.A., holding which controls the main sub-holdings RINA Services S.p.A. (RINA S), and RINA Consulting S.p.A. (RINA C). 
RINA C provides a wide range of engineering consultancy services covering the whole project life cycle from feasibility and specialized technical studies to conceptual and detailed design, prototyping and testing, project management, site engineering as well as operation and maintenance management.
RINA S is the RINA operating company providing a wide range of services, such as testing, certification, quality control, expediting and third-party inspection. Ship classification has been at the core of the RINA business since its inception and today it makes us one of the top-ranking marine classification societies in the world.


RINA C is leading DT4GS Dissemination, Scale-up, Innovation management, Commercialisation and Policy Recommendation (WP5) and will play a leading role in the development and \promotion of the DT4GS Dataspace and Zero-emission shipping Decision Support System.
RINA-S (as affiliated entity) will support RINA-C according to its know-how as naval classification society and its network with maritime and shipping stakeholders.


The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) has been involved in renewable energies for 30 years and is now focusing on solar energy, batteries, hydrogen, and also 2nd and 3rd generation biofuels.


CEA will contribute to Modeling Framework, leading T1.3 and in services for designing the ship energy systems (T3.4 & T3.5), integration of models and simulation/optimization tools.


SEASTEMA within the Fincantieri Group, specializes on integrated automation systems. The core product Ship Management System (SMS) provides monitoring and control functions for the main ship plants (IPMS, Integrated Platform Management System: Propulsion, Power, Auxiliary and Safety) and also Integrated Bridge System (IBS) and Decision Support Systems (Energy Management, Condition Management, Damage Management, Fleet Management). SEASTEMA relies on dynamic simulation models for design and to offer simulation-based training to IPMS operators.


SEASTEMA leads the modelling FW for ship performance optimisation and the development of the Zero-emission Decision Support System (retrofit / new build). They will be active in the Green Shipping Dataspace, expanding their work in EUROYARDS FW and R&D for creating Internal Intelligent Monitoring and Control Connectors to investigate actuation possibilities in deploying DTs. DT4GS will be exploited by Fincantieri by virtually integrating DTs into ship systems provided by external suppliers.


Remontowa Marine Design & Consulting (RMDC), member of Remontowa Holding capital group, is highly experienced marine engineering company providing comprehensive design & engineering services to shipyards and shipowners, including new building and conversion projects at all design disciplines and phases.


Remontowa will contribute to the development of the DT4GS Modeling Framework, Open DT4GS Infrastructure and DT4GS knowledge Hub from a shipyard perspective.


IWT represents the interest of IWT in Europe and aims at a stronger positioning of Inland Navigation in European and National Transport Policies by an intensified contribution to various governing bodies, working parties and standard setting committees.


IWT will deliver an additional industry perspective for the DT4GS modeling framework (WP1) and will participate in LL5 Extended industry LL (T4.6) as well as promoting the project results in the IWT community.

Shipping Digital Twin Solution Providers


IBM Research Europe in Ireland delivers breakthrough client focused outcomes in domains such as IoT/Digital Twin, AI Security, Privacy, and Cloud. IBM defines and tests new technologies on real business problems, discovering new growth opportunities. IBM Edge Application, IBM Digital Twin.


IBM are leading the DT4GS Edge and Orchestration Infrastructure (T2.5) and will support the development of the Open DT4GS Infrastructure. IBM will also be a key exploitation partner in the DT4GS impact and scale-up activities.


Konnecta’s core technologies are currently underpinned by a broad portfolio of eight patent-pending ICT technologies across a broad range of industry verticals, including Information and Telecommunication, Transport and Logistics, Financial, Smart Cities and Smart Manufacturing. Core competencies: connectivity infrastructure – IWT, ontologies, analytics and AI and increasingly involved in Dataspaces and DTs.


KNT are responsible for delivering the Modeling, Analysis, Simulation, and Optimization Tools (T2.3) and the DT4GS-DT User Interface (T3.5) and will be heavily involved in the delivery of all tasks related to the development of the Open DT4GS Infrastructure and the DT4GS knowledge Hub and Ship/Company Confidentiality preserving DTs.


AXON LOGIC is an IT company, specializing in applied mathematics, quantum physics, communications in a number of sectors including optimal transport.


AXON will provide Quantum equivalent models in key areas requiring increased accuracy such as IMCCs – T2.4, T2.5.


VLTN is a Green Supply Chain and Transport Innovation and Consultancy SME, dedicated to data-driven consulting, optimization and research & development, having a vision for ‘Net-zero GHG emissions supply chains that evolve faster than change, delivering balanced value to both business and societal actors.


VLTN are a key partner in the delivery of the Open DT4GS Infrastructure (T2.1-T2.4) and will contribute to the development of the DT4GS Modelling Framework (T1.2,1.5,1.6). VLTN will also be supporting LL1 EURONAV Tanker-centric DT.


Glafcos is a technical group, composed of Naval Architects, Marine, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers and Programmers, which provides multi-disciplinary advisory services, software products and systems in the maritime and civil industries Specialises in e-robotics for ship inspection and enabling the 3D reconstruction of the hull and related DT applications.


Glafos will contribute to the DT4GS knowledge Hub and Ship/Company Confidentiality preserving DTs, specifically the GS Operational Optimization DT and DT4GS-DT User Interface (T3.2, 3.5) They will also support the development of the DT4GS modeling FW (T1.2).


SEAPort Solutions SL is a start-up company that offers a technological solution to optimize port call processes based on automated real-time information exchange among the stakeholders.


SP will primarily support LL3 and the development of the JIT arrival modeling and associated DT services and the DT4GS-DT User Interface in WP3.

DT4GS Universities and Research Centres


TUD is s the oldest and largest Dutch public technical university and is among the top 15 engineering and technology universities in the world (2020). The Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering dpt carry out ground-breaking and pioneering research using state-of-the-art research facilities such as the mega hexapod, towing tanks, the Research lab Autonomous Shipping, the Autonomous Guided Vehicles Lab and the Bulk Characterization Lab.


TUD will lead the application of DTs in the design and production of new green autonomous vessels (T1.4) and the Comprehensive DT-enabled design methodology for zero emission shipping (T1.6). They will have a key role in the development of the Zero-emission shipping DSS (retrofit / new build) (T3.4).


WEGEMT is a European Association of Marine related Universities formed in 1978 for increasing the knowledge base and updating and extending the skills of practicing engineers and postgraduate students working at an advanced level in marine technology and related sciences.


WEGEMT will be mainly active in WP5 to raise public awareness and disseminate the key results of the project through numerous channels and support capacity building. And modeling FW.


The “Athena” Research and Innovation Centre focuses on Information, Communication and Knowledge Technologies, as well as Sustainable Development. It conducts research in informatics and computational sciences with an impact on society, tackling global challenges and addressing local needs. It serves the full spectrum of the research lifecycle (basic and applied research; system building and service provision; technology transfer and entrepreneurship).


ATHENA RC will mainly be involved in the tasks delivering the DT4GS Data Space (T2.2), the Modeling, Analysis, Simulation, and Optimization Tools (T2.3), and the GS Operational Optimization DT (T3.3).


CNR conducts research and technology transfer in the field of air pollution and Global and regional atmospheric modeling. CNR is currently coordinating the ERA-net co-funding action H2020 ERA-PLANET.


CNR will participate in ST1.3.2 Pollutants emission monitoring from vessels and modeling air quality impacts and T2.4 Decarbonization knowledge Hub