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LL2 DANAOS Containership-centric DT

DANAOS in the context of T4.3 specified vessel technical details, provided shop trial reports and outlined the data acquisition system architecture of a containership-centric LL. They also provided a snapshot of the actual data (features, granularity, format) acquired  from the vessel that will be utilized as a testbed in the context of the proposal in order to employ a […]

Short introduction of partner, why do they participate in DT4GS and why is DT4GS important for DANAOS.

DANAOS shipping is one of the largest independent owners of modern, large-size containerships with distinct edge in advanced shipping technology and long track record of safety, efficiency, and environmental responsibility. DANAOS has implemented a robust Environmental Management System integrating environmental issues with company operations and actively participates in research, testing and developing new technologies which […]