LLs Detailed Planning and KPIs – Support and Learning activities
Task 4.1 aims at: The five (5) DT4GS LLs will be sharing the DT4GS dataspace and infrastructure enabling them to combine data and models with equivalent applications in other LLs and evaluate the benefits of the common dataspace and will focus on achieving their impact goals. All Living Labs have been specified in detail in […]
A short introduction of Consortium partner Euronav, why do they participate and why is DT4GS important for this company.
Euronav holds the role of tanker Living Lab in the DT4GS. As an industry player Euronav provides with knowledge, data and expertise to the project aiming at fine-tuning the DT model developed within the project with real-life operational and technical vessel-related data. As such , Euronav fleet will serve as a test bed to optimize […]