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LLs Detailed Planning and KPIs – Support and Learning activities

LL5 will start at M18 and will engage additional LLs (additional shipping companies, decarbonization solution providers, shipyards) to validate the more mature results produced by LL2-LL4 in line with section 2.1,1. An Extended Industry LL Release will be provided for this purpose. VF and RMD will coordinate applications from port and ship design perspectives. DT4GS has […]

The DT4GS benefits – video

DT4GS enacts the potential of digital twin in green shipping managing the complexity in dealing with the interdependencies in the maritime sector.

A short introduction of partner INLECOM, why do they participate in DT4GS and why is DT4GS important for INLECOM. What problems will DT4GS address and which results DT4GS wants to achieve.

The consortium coordinator INLECOM Group, Belgium, was established in 1996 with the seminal charter of promoting innovative Information and Communication Solutions in shipping. Today, INLECOM are an established leader in Digital Ecosystem Platforms & Technologies in domains such as ICT, Security and Sustainability, IoT, Cognitive Computing, Analytics, Big Data, Mobile Computing and Transport & Logistics, […]