LL3. Baleària ROPAX-centric DT
This task 4.4 “Living Lab 3 Baleària RO-PAX – Centric Digital Twin” aims to provide a Digital Twin of a RO-PAX vessel, in which Baleària will define, design and deploy the main Operational Optimization applications for this kind of vessels, which can enhance to reduce consumption and emissions, by exploring the following use cases: Voyage […]
DT4GS Value-oriented Analysis in enabling Shipping Decarbonisation
This Task 1.1 presents and describes a value-oriented analysis in enabling shipping decarbonization. This is achieved through framing the key decarbonization enablers as discussed in the scientific and industrial bibliography, its risks and opportunities, potential transition challenges and headwinds, stakeholders and a deep dive on decarbonization imperatives – regulation, financing (i.e., carbon credits, Green Taxes, […]
GS Operational Optimisation of Digital Twins
Based on Task3.3 roadmap, DANAOS extracted a reference global operational optimization use case in order to facilitate the transfer of DTs (Digital Twins) across LLs. More specifically the global operational optimization use case addresses the classic cognitive DT example of Voyage Optimization. This reference use case is comprised of an abundance of sub-modules and can […]
Ship and company specific DT configuration and Deployment support services
DANAOS presented a consolidated progress time plan [M3-M35] involving Task3.2 and Task3.3. More specifically DANAOS shared their view on the desired outcome of the services implemented in the context of these tasks as well as the must-have capabilities and dependencies from other WPs. For Task3.2, DANAOS specified requirements from the other three LLs (use cases […]
DT4GS Model Blueprints and Open Model Library
DANAOS prepared the TOC for Task 2.4 and circulated for review by the DT4GS consortium. The core structure of TOC needs to be further discussed and clarified, as the initial comments/remarks were identifying some kind of inconsistency/overlap in the definition of particular chapters of T2.4. In terms of actual implementation and framework specification for T2.4, […]